One Molecule Away from Plastic?


On December 8, 2012, I wrote an article on the above titled subject.  Click on the link to view the original article: One molecule away from plastic

Since that time, I have learned some more facts about fats and oils that I would like to share here. I would first like to clarify why food scientists refer to some fats as “plastic”. To them this term refers to a fat that can be shaped or molded, in plastic fats, both solid crystals and liquid oil are present. Plastic fats include shortening, margarine or butter (Bennion & Scheule, 2010). If those who have espoused the tenant that margarine is plastic are basing it on the fact that it is referred to as a “plastic fat”, butter and shortening are also!

My opinion has changed somewhat on because of the fact the most margarine’s now have been reformulated to be trans fat-free. Saturated fat (such as is butter) does pose a health risk, but as far as taste is concerned, I don’t think you can beat butter. My comprise is to make what I call “Better Butter” which is half whipped butter and half olive oil. This way, I cut the saturated fat and salt in half and get the taste of butter. Here is the link for the recipe: Better Butter


Bennion, M., & Scheule, B. (2010). Introductory foods. (13th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall.

Saxton, J. (2012, December 8). One molecule away from plastic. Retrieved from:

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