The skinny on eggs

I don’t understand all the hype about eating egg whites instead of whole eggs. While it is true that most of the calories and cholesterol is in the egg yolks, it is also true that most of the other nutrients are in them. Look at the chart below to see what you are missing when you do not eat the yolks:


In my opinion, I would rather eat a whole egg or two than egg whites. I also think that they taste better. Keep in mind that the USDA recommends a limit of cholesterol is 300 mg a day and for fat is between 44 g and 77 for a 2000 calorie diet. The 4.5 g of fat and 186 mg of cholesterol is negligible in the overall scheme of things and in my opinion not worth sacrificing the other nutrients in the egg yolks or the taste (Zelman, 2014).

If you really need to lower your cholesterol and fat, I would recommend cutting back on the animal fats instead. Eggs are a much better alternative because they are powerhouses of nutrition and almost all of it is bio-available (Zelman, 2014).

You will never catch me ordering an egg white breakfast sandwich!


Zelman, K. (2014). Good eggs: For nutrition, they’re hard to beat. Retrieved from


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